Sunday, 17 March 2013

Bengal and the hills

The northern hills roar in thunder,
Flash fire on forest tops, burning
Bright: shielded in clouds darker than smoke;
Under cries of a dying earth, trees yell,
We? Reflect: a shadow of rhododendrons
Matting the floor with their lives,
None illuminate, silent hills echo girgles
Of springs, whispering to conspire,
As if to wait- a moment united and
The hills would burst, in flood: some
Estranged in sorrow, others blood. All
Because mischief was caused by
The monkey yelling at the nodding baboons.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Reflecting sunlight

Here flies feel the frail sunset more and
Barren winds call  ardous thoughts:
Blue hills, green fields, brown dust and white rivers;
Even with flesh on fire or wounded necks,
The light dips colour from clouds, from white
To orange and red, the sky gently  turns to
A darker canvas with dotted stars: a framework
For the moon; still pleasant on eerie whispers,
Crying dogs, howling foxes and unpleasant screeches,
Bringing joy from a reflection of sunlight.